This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
S Smart 17
N Norman 15
K Kennedy 10
  <absent> 8
B Bacon 7
C Cloutt 5
B Brown 4
G Gruit 3
B Benbow 2
G Gray 2
L Luff 2
M Moss 2
B Birkett 1
  Black 1
  Brett 1
  Broughton 1
  Burton 1
C Campbell-Black 1
G Groake 1
H Hamilton 1
L Lucas 1
M McNicholas 1
P Parry 1
R Richardson 1
S Slawinska 1
  Smith 1
W Withall 1